Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Politico: Pelosi’s bid for speaker imperiled as public opposition grows

If I think about the more prominent Japanese clans I suppose the names of the legislators in the Politico article linked above might have a vague importance. But I don't want clans and I certainly don't want celebrities who do NOT actually do anything to govern our country with proper and appropriate legislation. This entire article is part of the theater of politics, the dog and pony show of people who give a performance in front of an audience and the most popular candidate wins. It is a popularity, not a genuine act of governance of, by, or for the people. 

There is NOTHING in this article about any of the issues the people of the country are facing. Of the suffering from the deliberate abuse of the people by a greedy few who obviously do not deserve and should not have any power to make policy affecting the whole country.

The biggest issue for me is single payer health care. Yes, the climate is on fire. But unless the great body of the people of this nation can agree on at least one thing which would bring immediate relief to millions of people, nothing can or will be achieved for anything else. Single payer health care IS possible, doable, and necessary to save lives and relieve enormous burdens on the backs of working people.

The point being is that if the people can come together on that one thing and achieve it, then it can turn it's attention to other matters of vital importance and successfully implement the necessary corrective measures to effect positive change in the country.

The problem is having to wrest power from those with very selfish agendas. That just really taints the whole thing and makes life an ugly thing. The only way out is to change how we make the rules and to stop paying attention to the dog and pony show the media puts out. 

Ohhhhh! This is Politico. It's a status quo rag. Remember that, it's a propaganda outlet. The should not be given must credence and I would suggest ignoring them altogether as they are just a distraction from things that actually matter. This story is of no consequence.

The only thing that really matters will be the actual laws they will craft and in whose interest those laws will serve. If it is not in the people's interest then we must find ways to reach out to the local people and find someone who will carry our agenda into the legislature, ideally someone among you. Ignore the political theater, stay focused. Health care for all will be the drum beat in the next election. Let's do this. Let's get health care for everyone.