Big Bang disproved
When I learned in 6th grade in 1970 that there were/are two basic views about the universe: the Steady State universe and the Big Bang, I felt that that the Steady State universe was the correct view based on having grown up with Buddhism. I found it absurd to believe that the totality of the universe originated out of nothingness violates the laws of physics and stretches credulity beyond the breaking point, at least for me. And now the JWST is....ohh! Btw, the Doppler red shift is another hare-brained idea. The universe is not expanding but rather, the light has traveled so far in its journey here that it's slowing a fraction enough to produce a shift to a lower energy state. And now the JWST is showing pictures of mature galaxies just as anyone there looking at us would also see a mature galaxy, indicating a more uniform consistency of the universe which itself indicates the timelessness of it. And if anyone thinks 13 billion years is a long time doesn't understand the mindbogglingly huge numbers the Eastern Indians invented. Eternity is like that. At the same time it also means that that which is eternal is also ever-present. Hence Steady State. Do you see how the consistency works? There is no beginning or end to the universe. Only the arising and demising of the phenomena that occurs within it, from the formation of galaxies, stars, planets, and living beings to their eventual demise. Yin/yang.
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