Monday, October 29, 2018

Peter Linebaugh notes and quotes

The poorest he that is in England hath a life to live as the greatest he … I think it’s clear, that every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent to put himself under that government; and I do think that the poorest man in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to that government that he hath not had a voice to put himself under.
~Col. Thomas Rainborowe, Putney Debates (28-29 Oct. 1647)

Which is worse, foreign or domestic enemies?

A year later and not much to show for it. Meanwhile, we have a new supreme court justice who thinks the president can be a dictator and can stop having elections. Who ever outed Dr. Ford and smeared Feinstein with it needs to be identified.

On Democracy Now last year...

Masha Gessen: Trump Doing “Incredible Damage” to Democracy While Media is Obsessed with Russia Probe

So what was it, hacking or propanda?

The whole thing about Russia is how the story went from emails being hacked, not leaked to ads on Facebook influencing voters. Mixed in is the notion that Toxic man is in the pocket of or dancing to the tune of Putin and not the Koch Brothers and the fossil fuel industry right here at home.

The issue for me is the narrative about the election by the Democratic Party leadership as a sleight-of-hand ruse to detract from their failures to be a genuine opposition party to  growing fascism in our country and around the world, Brazil's election being the latest example.

Here are a few links I'm putting here so I can find them later and, of course, for your perusal.

These are about the claims of the DNC emails being hacked instead of leaked which is where the whole wild goose chase began. 

CIA Director Met Advocate of Disputed DNC Hack Theory — at Trump’s Request

Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence

Then, the story changed from the DNC emails to ads put on Facebook to influence voters. The algorithms they use do keep people quite well segregated in silos but stacked up against heavily gerrymandered districts, very active voter suppression in several states with Voter ID laws, the use of Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach's Crosscheck program, lack of voting machine integrity and accuracy, to other problems with voter registrations disenfranchising voters that I witnessed myself at the polling station in both the 2016 primary and general elections in California, not to mention the DNC choosing the most disliked candidate they could have chosen over the popular politician in our government, I have a very jaundiced view of Russians having much of an influence in our election. That's too simplistic and ignores the very real problems we actually have in our country that are entirely home grown. Stop looking for excuses by blaming others and start looking in the mirror for how we got here. It wasn't Russia that did this. We did this to ourselves and too many people were asleep when it happened.

UPDATE: More links I want in one place to find when I need them.

The Intercept article: Russia story falls apart.

Why 'Russian Meddling' is a Trojan Horse from CounterPunch

[Additional updates: Oct 4, 2019]

Empty Wheel: Debunking the Metadata Debunkers

Debunking TechDirt by Adam Carter

The Campbell Conspiracy: Debunking Computer Weekly article

CrowdStrikeOut: Mueller's Own Report Undercuts It's Core Russia-Meddling Claims