Sunday, April 16, 2006

All Hallow's Eve 2003

[This is old but I'm posting it here and now because I found something I had lost (twice) and so it's going up now that I've found it. It's from a message board that used to exist, but now only the cached (ghost) pages exist. At least they lasted long enough for me to snatch them out of the ethernet and save them from oblivion.]

All Hallows Eve 2003

If the Children of Abraham wish to live in the Holy Land, then they must approach Abraham's grandchildren, the Children of Jesus and the Children of Mohammed with an open heart, a faithful hand, and truthful speech and humbly ask to dwell among the faithful in the Holy Land of God. To make war in the sacred land is a desecration of God's creation and a sacrilege to His teachings. If there can be no way to find a peace among God's Children, then how can you possibly claim to have a place by His side?

Children of Jesus, you must open your hearts and your arms to all of God's Children in order to open the way to Heaven for all. Only by following in the Way of Jesus can the Truth and the Light of God's love be known.

Children of Mohammed, you are a tolerant people, wise and noble, fair and just. Cleanse the blinding hatred from your hearts, cleanse the impurities from your souls, and cleanse war and oppression from your lands. Let the will of Allah cleanse the rest. Keep to the Shariah and let it not perish from among you.

Children of the Devil, the peoples of this world will no longer tolerate the evil you bring through lust, temptation, and greed. You have wreaked enough havoc on this planet. You have poisoned our air, water, food, land, and most of all, you have poisoned our hearts. You have divided the Children of the Faithful of every walk of life and set us to make war upon each other while you laugh and mock us as you snatch our souls and bring us under your oppression. Take heed, your day is at an end.


Brains count first. Making judgements without intellectual justification is prejudice.

We do not act rightly because we have virture, we have virtue because we act rightly.

I am asked:

Who are the children of the devil?

To identify the Children of the Devil, ask yourself:

Who brings evil by using lust, temptation, and greed?

Who wreaks havoc on this planet by destroying our relationships with each other, with the land, and in the very way we live and get on with life? Do you not feel that life has become fractured, fragmented, disconnected, and incoherent?

Who poisons our air, water, food, and land?

Who poisons our hearts with hate?

Who divides the Children of the Faithful of every walk of life and sets us to make war upon each other? In other words, who uses rhetoric to "label" people and then set them up to be the enemy? The enemy is not those who are labeled, but those who do the labeling.

Who laughs and mocks us as it snatches our souls and brings us under its oppression? Do you not feel oppressed by something hard to identify? Can you name the name of the oppressor? Is it a dictator? Or is it a tyrannical mindset that enslaves us to a system we seem to have no choice about?

For me, the Children of the Devil are those who have no mercy in their hearts. An excellent example is Ebenezer Scrooge.

But, as the story of "A Christmas Carol" indicates, it is the hardness and coldness of Scrooge's heart that does the evil. It is only in the softening and melting of the heart that brings forth goodness.

To have no empathy for others, and therefore no mercy in one's heart, is how evil does it work in the world.


Brains count first. Making judgements without intellectual justification is prejudice.

We do not act rightly because we have virture, we have virtue because we act rightly.