Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Wish 2007

It's been three years since I first posted this from a Christmas card I'd found in a previous year. It has ever and always been my wish. It is not just an idle hope to be wished for however, but a goal to be achieved. Now, more than ever, our times require a conscious effort to re-connect to each other and to the living world all around us. Then we will know the true magic of being alive.

Christmas Wish

I have a little vision
of the world.
It isn't much.
But in it, beauty shines
whenever earth
and people touch.
There's laughter,
and there's music,
and the trees
are standing tall,
and the creatures
whisper stories
of the One
who made us all.
And no one's lost
or hungry,
every life's
of equal worth,
and the angels
scatter snowflakes
like a dream of
peace on earth.

-J. Howard